Grant County Court meeting minutes: Jan. 12, 2022
Published 1:45 pm Wednesday, January 26, 2022
January 12, 2021
Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station, county website, and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City, OR.
9:00 am — Call to Order. Present were Judge Scott W. Myers, Commissioners Jim Hamsher and Sam Palmer, Administrative Assistant Laurie Stinnett, Pastor Al Altnow, Millie Lysne and Rick LaMountain. The Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United States Flag. The invocation was given by Pastor Al Altnow.
CLAIMS. The Court had reviewed and approved claims and Extension District warrants 80-87.
AGENDA. MSP: Myers/Hamsher — to accept the agenda as presented.
ANNOUNCEMENTS. Judge Myers thanked those who helped to clear snow during the past
week, including Assessor’s Office employee, Stephanie Williams. On January 4th, Myers traveled to La Grande for a meeting of the Northeast Oregon Housing Authority (NEOHA). He met with Roadmaster Alan Hickerson on January 5th at the Land Title building to sign the deed for the purchase of the St. Clair gravel pit in Izee. Myers met with Representative Mark Owens at 9am, and offered the use of his office for Owens’ legislative meeting that morning. On the 10th at 10am Myers participated in an Airport Commission meeting. The judge and commissioners collectively attended a Covid call meeting at 11:15am and spoke for 45 minutes about changes in guidelines to response and follow-up through Oregon Health Authority (OHA), as well as changes in responsibilities in contact tracing and what that would look like locally. He thanked our healthcare workers throughout the county for their continued hard work during this time.
On the 13th Myers will chair an Emergency Food and Shelter Program committee meeting in the court room and at 2pm will attend a Department Head meeting. He will also be meeting with the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension staff and Vice-Provost Ivory Lyles. He noted that Monday the 17th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a holiday. On January 20th he will be attending a Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) meeting.
Commissioner Palmer helped out with snow removal during the recent inclement weather. He attended a virtual Grant County Community Advisory Team (GCCAT) meeting. He attended the meetings with gubernatorial candidates Drazan and Gomez. On Saturday Palmer traveled to the Harney County gubernatorial candidates forum, and while there, met with Senator Findley and Representative Owens. Palmer also had a conversation with Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) Executive Director Gina Nichols. He met with Emergency Management Coordinator Eric Bush regarding a department needs assessment. He took part in an AOC Natural Resources call with Chair Nash, Co-Chair Magruder and other commissioners.
Commissioner Hamsher attended the weekly debriefing with Community Counseling Solutions Director Kimberly Lindsay to find out about changes in contact tracing. He took part in a variety of meetings including an AOC Public Lands Steering Committee meeting by phone and met with Emergency Management Coordinator Eric Bush. He attended an AOC Public Safety and Veterans Steering Committee meeting, a GCCAT meeting, a Blues Intergovernmental Counsel (BIC) Steering Committee meeting and a National Association of Counties (NACo) Public Lands Steering Committee meeting. Locally, Hamsher attended a Fair Board meeting and Representative Christine Drazan’s gubernatorial candidates meeting at the Squeeze-In restaurant. Hamsher would also like to remind the public that the monoclonal antibody treatments are available at the hospital, health department and Canyon Creek Clinic for those who test positive for Covid.
9:07 am- Reporter Logan Baggett entered
MINUTES. MSP: Myers/Hamsher — to approve the minutes of December 22, 2021 as presented.
9:15 am- Roadmaster Alan Hickerson, Road Department Office Manager Tammy Workman and Human Resources Manager Laurie Cates entered
CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION. The County Court recognized the following employees with Certificates of Appreciation for years of service: 5 years- Kellie Combs, Jim Hamsher, Stephanie Williams, Ty Sharp, Troy Winters, Brooke Griffith, Kimberly Neault, Haley Walker; 10 years- Steve Fischer, Roni Hickerson; 15 years- Chris Ostberg; 20 years- Todd McKinley; 21 years- Scott Myers; 25 years- Terry Neal-Cade.
ROAD DEPARTMENT. CAMERA SYSTEM. Roadmaster Alan Hickerson requested a security camera system be purchased for installation at the county shops. The department lost a $2000 water pump to theft in the last year. Actions have been taken to increase security, including installation of fencing and the purchase of an easement to prevent access through the property. Search and Rescue and Grant County Soil and Water/Weed Control also have storage at the location.
MSP: Hamsher/Palmer — to approve the purchase of the camera security system as presented for the cost of $10,094.59.
ROAD FOREMAN. Human Resources Manager Laurie Cates and Roadmaster Alan Hickerson presented a recommendation to the Court to revise the job description of Road Foreman. The current Road Foreman carries out duties and responsibilities formerly held by the Assistant Roadmaster, a position that no longer exists, but was second in command to the Roadmaster.
Cates and Hickerson asked that the Court adopt the revised Road Foreman’s description and pay grade placement of F-10 Exempt, effective for the January pay period.
MSP: Palmer/Myers — to approve the revised job description and pay grade placement as presented.
BUDGETED TRANSFERS, RESOLUTION NO. 22-01. To enact budgeted transfers from Road to School Forest for $360,123 and Road to Cities-Streets-Bridges for $406,243. Discussion took place about the transfers, with Myers and Hamsher explaining that these monies have already been budgeted for the current fiscal year. The formula used by the Budget Committee distributes the SRS monies during the budget process.
MSP: Myers/Palmer – to approve the transfer of funds according to Resolution 22- 01 as presented.
9:27am- Fairgrounds Manager Mindy Winegar and Maintenance Specialist Dusty Williams entered
ROAD DEPARTMENT. The Road Department presented a casual agreement with the landowner for the maintenance of property used as a turn-around used for Road Department when plowing and maintaining the Little Indian Creek Road.
MSP: Myers/Palmer – to approve the maintenance agreement for the Little Indian Creek Road turn-around as presented.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Economic Development Director Tory Stinnett requested the Court’s approval to participate in the Inaugural Oregon NACo online Leadership Academy, to take place from January 10 – April 15 with 4-5 hours of instruction per week. The course was recommended to Stinnett as a very worthwhile training program. The cost is $1654, which she has within her budget. Upon completion, the Court would like her to share the outcome of the training and how she feels it benefits her department and the County.
MSP: Hamsher/Palmer – to approve the request for enrollment in the training course as presented.
VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Myers moved to appoint new and returning members to the following Committees: Airport Commission- Cheryl Berry and Barbara Temple reappointed to 2 year terms, expiration 12-31-2023; County Budget Committee- Rob Stewart reappointed to a 3 year term, expiration 12-31-2024; College Advisory Board- Kris Beal and Chris Cronin reappointed for 3 year terms, and Randy Hennen, a new appointee for a 3 year term, all to expire 12-31-2024; Extension Committee- Doug Cox reappointed for a 3 year term, to expire 12-31-2024; Fair Board- Jake Taylor and M.T. Anderson reappointed for 3 year terms to expire 12-31-2024; Natural Resource Committee- Tim Rude, Bill Skinner, Thom Seal and Pat Voigt reappointed to 2 year terms to expire 12-31-2023; Southeast Regional Alliance (SERA)-Haley Walker and Tory Stinnett reappointed to 3 year terms to expire 12-31-2024; Wildlife Committee- Shaun Robertson and Rick Henslee reappointed to 3 year terms and new appointee Alex Rice to a 3 year term, all to expire 12-31-2024; Mental Health Advisory Board- new appointees Michelle Gibson to a 3 year term to expire 12-31-2024 and Maria Thomas to fill a mid-term vacancy to expire 12-31-2023; Senior Advisory Board- new appointee Scott Knepper to a 3 year term to expire 6-30-2024. All of the appointments are effective immediately.
MSP: Myers/Hamsher – to appoint the new and returning members as presented for the specified terms, effective immediately.
9:45 Treasurer Julie Ellison entered
LIBRARY. Librarian Chris Ostberg requested the use of Ready 2 Read grant money to install exterior lighting at the library. This would discourage vandalism and allow parents and children to take advantage of the outdoor WIFI access and reading areas. The bid from North River Electric includes provision and installation of two photo eyes, two wall pack LED fixtures, two existing dusk to dawn LED motion sensors and labor and materials to complete installation for the cost of $1300.
MSP: Myers/Palmer: to approve the purchase and installation of exterior lighting as proposed.
FAIRGROUNDS. Fairgrounds Manager Mindy Winegar appeared to discuss several items with the court.
FAIR & RODEO COURT BUDGET. The Fair Court has raised a little over $26,000. The Fair Board approved their budget. The Fair Board asks that the Fair Court mileage be increased to the federal rate of 58.5 cents per mile. Hamsher noted that with the fuel prices going up and the type of vehicle needed, he would support the motion. Myers noted that at one time there were higher rates for Fair Court travel.
MSP: Hamsher/Palmer – to approve the mileage increase for the Fair Court to the federal rate of 58.5 cents per mile.
OREGON FAIRS ASSOCIATION (OFA) CONVENTION. Winegar requested approval to attend the OFA Convention taking place in Salem from February 6th-9th. She noted that commissioners can attend for no charge.
MSP: Hamsher/Palmer: to approve Fairgrounds Manager Mindy Winegar to attend the annual OFA Convention.
PURCHASE OF SIDE-BY-SIDE. Winegar stated that the Fairgrounds has borrowed side-by-sides from community members for some of the bigger events in the past, but that is getting harder to do. To be ready for the BMW Rally and Fair this year, they would like to order one now. She stated that used prices are prohibitive. Four quotes were solicited, with John Day Polaris coming in with the low quote of $11,199. When questioned by the court, Winegar stated that they prefer the smaller side-by-side to other vehicles, and it is what they have used in the past.
The price and advantage of local maintenance is also a factor in their choice. The purchase is within their budget without causing any shortage in capital outlay later on in the year.
MSP: Palmer/Hamsher – to approve the order and purchase of a side-by-side as presented from John Day Polaris for $11,199.
GRANT COUNTY FAIR BOARD. Fairgrounds Manager Mindy Winegar presented the newly revised Bylaws of the Grant County Fair Board adopted by the Fair Board at their recent meeting and seen by legal counsel.
MSP: Hamsher/Palmer – to approve the Fair Board By-Laws as presented.
There was a brief discussion about the current status of the county policing issues.
Rick LaMountain brought to the attention of the Court that April 27th, 2022 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ulysses S. Grant. He felt that it would be appropriate that the Court issue a short proclamation honoring Grant and displaying pride in being named after him. He noted that it seems especially important during a time when many are denigrating and even villainizing the great men of the past.
10:04 am — Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laurie Stinnett
Administrative Assistant
**** Please note the court minutes are a summary of the court proceedings. An audio recording of each court session is available, after approval of the minutes, by contacting the County Court at 541-575-0059 or ***