Letter: Join a Republican in voting Harris/Walz

Published 8:00 am Thursday, October 24, 2024

I’d like to offer some thoughts for your consideration. I am a voter who originally registered as a Republican in about 1970. I’ve always liked the concepts of “rule of law,” “fiscal responsibility,” “constitutional checks and balances” and “personal responsibility.” I still do.

For me, it is clear that ONE concept/policy …. er … um, trumps, all others in capturing my presidential vote. That ONE concept/policy is supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States — and it is clear that only one major political party in the United States is planning to do that in the future. So I’m voting Harris/Walz, and I hope you will do the same.

There are plenty of Democratic Party individual policies which bother me, but when they are all gathered together and placed on the scale, the need to support and defend the Constitution outweighs them all. We can quibble about those other policies later IF we maintain our constitutional republic by voting for leaders who truly honor the rule of law.

As a proud patriot, I am a Republican voting Harris/Walz! I hope you will do the same.

Ed Chesnut


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