Grant County Seniors: Feb. 12, 2025
Published 7:00 am Sunday, February 9, 2025
- Mt. Vernon resident Billie Bullard, who turned 101 on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022, celebrates her (almost) birthday with friends and family at the John Day Senior Center on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022.
JOHN DAY — I suppose the moderate weather has everyone busy, because my offer last week of free lunch was not accepted. Perhaps I will try later in February.
Perchloroethylene is also referred to as Perc. I was 36 years old before I became familiar with the word. I was operating Rainbow Dry Cleaners, and it was the chemical we used to clean clothing. I remember the day Dr. Harris came in to pick up his slacks. He made a sniffing motion, and asked, “Have you checked your liver lately?”
Evidently the chemical, like so many, is not favorable to one’s body. If you wonder why there is no drycleaning service in many towns, it is because of the fees and regulations regarding the use and disposal of perc.
Five years in the dry-cleaning business and I recall several things, all good and all an education. One of my kids thought it was disgusting that I would clean someone else’s dirty laundry. Little did she realize you do what you must do to feed your family.
She received an education that day. I have learned since then, perc is used in spot removers, degreasers, adhesives and in the textile world. So, have you checked your liver lately?
Food, food and more food. Gathering for lunch on Monday and Thursday averages 80, while nearly 200 meals total were delivered on those two days.
There is a JDSC board meeting at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13. The public is invited to attend, and suggestions are always welcome. You can come and complain, too, but remember, bring two possible solutions to the issue. If you’d like to attend but can’t make the meeting, the board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1 p.m.
We need team members to help us with a variety of things at the center. Read this and see how you might make a difference:
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
How about you? Could you be Somebody, that might play a part in the local senior center? If so, call me: 541-620-2050.
Life is busy; our plates are full, sometimes overflowing. Need a reprieve? Take some time to list all the things that are on your plate. Now spend some quiet time assessing that list. Perhaps some of the things could be handed off to someone else, to lighten your load.
I find, as I get older, I gravitate to others older than myself and try to be of help if asked. Of late I have been helping a man who is not stable on his feet and is packing for a move to assisted living in the Willamette Valley. Like most of us he has way too much stuff, and is trying to deal with it.
He had a good laugh the other day when he was packing something into a 36-inch-high moving box. As he tells it, he was leaning down to place an item in the box, when he lost his balance and went headfirst into the box with his torso. So, his legs are hanging out, but he is in the box and since his legs are thin and not strong, he didn’t find them to be of any help at all. Ten minutes later, after struggling with the box enemy, he won and was free.
He was laughing about it the next day as he told us about the ordeal, but I for one am glad he will be where others can keep an eye on him.
MONUMENT — Our greeters at the table were Sue Cavender and Linda Abraham. They checked in all the guests, collected and counted up the money. Everyone’s lunch was bought and paid for by an anonymous donor. We thank them, whoever they were! Ellie led the flag salute and made the announcements. Dennis Abraham prayed the blessing over the meal. There were 47 guests in attendance.
Our cooks, Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell, made everyone hamburgers with all the fixings, french fries, macaroni salad, fruit, and cookies for dessert. Everyone said it was a delicious meal, and we thank our cooks for their hard work.
I was at home recovering from another cold, so I was not present at the lunch. Kathy Woodell was kind enough to take notes for me so I could write my article, so I thank her and I just appreciate her so much!
There were only a couple of announcements. Sewing will be on for Wednesday, Feb. 12. It will start at 9 a.m. and go until about 3 p.m. We share a potluck lunch at noon. Everyone is welcome, and there are extra machines available if one does not have a machine to sew on. I may take some embroidery, knitting or crocheting with me one of these days.
You know, I used to ponder on the women back in the day just sitting around doing needlework and embroidery most of the day, or maybe all day. I used to think, “How boring!” Well, I think I have changed my mind! LOL. I wish us women could do that, sit around, visit, have tea and sew, knit, crochet or do needlework all day long. I don’t think I would mind one bit! It would probably be very relaxing, to say the least, unless you messed something up and had to rip it out again, which would most likely be the case with me and maybe frequently, too. Ha.
We had mostly brown on the ground for awhile and now it is all white again. Yes, we got some more snow and we are supposed to get a couple more inches in the next few days. So, we are back to Winter Wonderland! It’s been cold as well. We need the snow, so I am not complaining.
Rebel is still coming over to sit on my lap. She is so sweet and cute. While I am holding her on my lap, she sometimes dozes off, or she will turn her head and look up at me. I always think, “What are you thinking about, Rebel?” I think she gets lonely because Cap was her buddy and he had to go be with the other boys.
I will have to try and train her by taking her out of the pen and have her follow me around and stick close to me. Maybe I will have a little goat companion that will follow me everywhere I go! Wouldn’t that be wonderful? She really has a sweet disposition, and I like how she likes to sit and loaf on my lap. Hahaha.
1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him Who hath called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
PRAIRIE CITY — Did you notice that it only took three numbers to write today’s date: 2-5-2025? Now in Roman numerals it would look like II-V-MMXXV. (Spell-check doesn’t like that either. Tee hee.) Sure glad that we adopted the Arabian way of writing numbers.
OK, so much for that. Del led the flag salute; Tom won the $5 gift card donated by Len’s Pharmacy; and Tom asked the blessing. Our volunteers today included Sharon, Mary, Pam, Teresa and Tom. Thank you very much for your service.
Tom had a note on the whiteboard about one of the two St. Valentines (didn’t know that there were two). This one was martyred in 269 AD for officiating at weddings against the king’s wishes. Apparently he wanted single men for his army. Anyway, this is the month for love, so remember those you love …
Our meal today was served as our Valentine meal for the month, with our great cooks preparing chicken alfredo, California blend veggies, strawberry and Jell-O salad, and angel food cake with strawberries and topping. We were stuffed! Wow, what a meal. And if you didn’t like that dessert, you could have some leftover brownies or birthday cake. We aim to please. The sponsor for today was the Prairie City School first grade class. Thanks so much, guys.
We were happy to see Pastor Phipps and family join us for dinner. And Pat Binyon surprised us with her presence. Welcome, and come again.
Remember to take your Super Bowl cans and bottles to the senior citizen trailer parked at the old Texaco lot. If you miss it, we have a receptacle in the Hall for you to access. We thank those of you who have donated to our cause that way.
There was a great turnout for the first bingo game at the Oxbow Restaurant last week. Everyone reported that they had a fun time. Therefore, plans have been laid to do it again on Feb. 27. The proceeds were enough to pay for the filling-up of our heating oil tank, so we really appreciate those who came to play! Thank you so much. And a huge thank-you to the Oxbow Restaurant for allowing this to happen.
Found a couple more interesting words: synecdoche — in rhetoric, a figure of speech by which the whole of a thing is put for a part, or a part for the whole. Yeah, right. How about manduction? It is not even in the dictionary, but manducate and manducation are. All have to do with chewing, apparently … so we manducated our meal, right?
Rev. 2:7 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. Rev. 3:20 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.