Grant County Court minutes: Dec. 18, 2019

Published 2:18 pm Thursday, January 9, 2020

Grant County Court minutes from Dec. 18, 2019:

Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station, county website, and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City, OR.

9:00 am — Call to Order. Present were Judge Scott W. Myers, Commissioners Jim Hamsher and Sam Palmer, Administrative Assistant Kim Puckett, Kathy Stinnett, Frances Preston, Katy Nelson, Judy Kerr, Lucas Palmer, Jim & Beth Spell, Zach Mobley, Reporter Rudy Diaz, and Pastor Cockrell. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United States Flag. The invocation was given by Pastor Cockrell.

CLAIMS. The court had reviewed and approved claims on 12-18-19.

AGENDA. MSP: Myers/Hamsher — to accept the agenda as presented with the addition of donation of a surplus Sheriff’s vehicle to Community Counseling Solutions (CCS).

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Judge Myers traveled to a Regional Solutions Open House at Eastern Oregon University (EOU). On the 17th he attended a Safety Meeting at the Courthouse. He attended a Facilities meeting at Humbolt School. He will travel to Pendleton on the 20th for the Blue’s Intergovernmental Council meeting to discuss Forest Plan Revisions. County Offices will be closed at noon on Dec 24th and closed all day Dec 25th, and open for business on the 26th and 27th. The building will still be open for Circuit Court all day Dec 24th.

Logan Bagett, Roger & Meredith Ediger entered 9:06

Commissioner Palmer attended the Sheriff’s Office Christmas Party on the 13th. On Monday he was in contact with Senator Schumer, House Majority Leaders, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, & Kevin McCarthy regarding to Secure Rural School (SRS) funding, they also talked about rural communities and what that does for us. Palmer received an email from Susan Morgan saying they received the reauthorization for SRS funding for, 2019-2020, with a 5% reduction in funding. It has passed the house and is headed for a vote with the Senate this evening. All amendments to the program have been stripped out of the Bill and more information will be coming. He attended the Local Community Advisory Council (LCAC) meeting and will also attend the Christmas Party for Search & Rescue.

Commissioner Hamsher attended the Natural Resources Advisory Committee Meeting where they worked on drafting By-Laws. He contacted 20 Senators offices to lobby and discuss Secure Rural Schools (SRS) and Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funding for the coming fiscal year. Hamsher attended the Truckers Light Parade in John Day. He attended the Grant County Fair and Rodeo Court Coronation for Queen Kelsei Kiser, Princess Catelyn Barker, and Grand Marshall John Aasness. He met with Economic Development Director, Allison Field to discuss a plan to visit all the communities in the County about the RAIN program and other programs that will help our fellow community and residents. They also discussed setting up a bi-monthly or quarterly Mayors meeting to better stay in touch with the needs and issues the communities are facing. Hamsher attended the Grant County Sheriff’s Office Christmas Party at the Airport. He will attend the Blue’s Intergovernmental Council meeting in Pendleton on Friday Dec 20th.

MINUTES. MSP: Myers/Palmer — to approve the December 11th minutes as presented.

Trista Collins, Riccola Voigt, Jamie McKay, Tory Mobley, Jim Carpenter, entered 9:11

Julie Ellison entered 9:15

Mike Durr & Scott Moore entered 9:17

Kimberly Neault entered 9:28

Rob Raschio and Frank Stinnett entered 9:43

JUSTICE COURT: Honorable Judge Kathy Stinnett, stated that due to a continued increase in case load and an accumulation of complex cases to be overseen, in order to effectuate the prompt, efficient and dignified administration of justice (ORS 51.140(1), the Court, on behalf of the many defendants, victims, departments, and agencies we work and serve, requests the following: Increase the Court Clerk position from 32 hours to 40 hours, as of 01/01/2020. Increase the Assistant Clerk position from 19 hours to 20-32 hours as of 07/01/20. Change the financial process to maintain weekly duties being performed by court staff and monthly turnover and disbursements by Treasurer’s staff. The Justice of The Peace would maintain oversight responsibilities. (Recommended by Auditors.) Trista DeRosier, Justice Court Clerk, spoke briefly of the difficulties collecting fines. MSP: Palmer/Myers–to increase the Court Clerk hours from 32 to 40 and Court Clerk Assistant position from 19-20 effective for the January pay period.

SOLUTIONS AUDIT. The court to accept the county audit and review the letter to the Secretary of State’s Office. MSP: Myers/Hamsher–to accept and sign the audit.

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. Chief Durr, Roger & Meredith Edigar, Frances Preston, & Jim Spell spoke in support of preservation of the Justice Court Operations.

10:15 Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Puckett

Administrative Assistant

**** Please note the court minutes are a summary of the court proceedings. An audio recording of each court session is available, after approval of the minutes, by contacting Kim Puckett at 541-575-0059 or **
