Letter: U.S. will continue in right direction with Harris

Published 11:30 am Friday, October 25, 2024

Just so you know, all the road and sidewalk repair that’s happening in Pendleton is a direct result of the Biden/Harris Infrastructure Bill. Donald Trump promised to repair infrastructure, but never did.

And just so you know the truth, our economy is currently the envy of the free world. In 1990, the U.S. accounted for only two-fifths of the overall GDP of the G-7 group of advanced countries. Today it is up to about half.

Fact: Average wages in America’s poorest state, Mississippi, are higher than the averages in Britain, Canada and Germany.

Fact: A Kamala Harris presidency could increase the national debt by $3.5 trillion over 10 years, according to the Nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The same analysis found that Trump’s economic plans could add between $7.5 trillion to $15 trillion to the debt.

And the Nonpartisan Tax Foundation estimates that the Trump tariffs of 2016 to 2020 equated to a tax hike for Americans of $625 per household per year ($80 billion per year). The government also had to dole out $23 billion to farmers to compensate for the export slumps caused by this tariff. Good economic policy? I think not. If reelected, Trump wants to double down on these tariffs, leading to higher prices for you and me because of higher costs, retaliatory tariffs, scrambled supply chains and job losses. According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics, this will cost the typical middle income household more than $2,600 a year.

What about Social Security? According to the NCRFB, Trump’s vow to eliminate income taxes on Social Security benefits will deplete the Social Security TrustFund in 2031, three years earlier than now projected by the Congressional Budget Office. At that point, the program would need to cut benefits by 33%, a steeper decrease than the 23% reduction forecast by the CBO in August.

Facts: Our stock market under Biden/Harris keeps setting all-time high records. Inflation is under control. Interest rates are coming back down so home mortgages are becoming more affordable.

Donald Trump claims “Bidenomics” is a “horrible failure.” Please look at the facts and evidence, and not at Trump’s and Fox “News” proven lies and fake news. I see hundreds of semitrucks on the highway hauling goods everywhere. The evidence shows that Bidenomics and Kamala Harris have guided us out of the mess that COVID-19 and Donald Trump left us.

Kenneth Robbins


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