Letter: Webb is best choice for county judge

Published 11:00 am Thursday, October 17, 2024

To the Editor:

I am writing to support Mark Webb for Grant County judge.

Mark understands the difficulties we face in Grant County. Our state leaders know us as a remote, frontier community. Mark and his family know it as home.

I have known Mark personally for over 20 years. He has built miles of fence for me as he has for many local ranches. Mark is not just a capable administrator, but someone who is willing to get his hands dirty to make sure the job gets done. From serving on the Grant County Fair Board to his leadership as former Grant County judge Mark advocated for the many businesses who employ workers in Grant County.

Mark has worked effectively with our schools to ensure the continued support of our Secure Rural Schools Act funding by Congress. He also understands the importance of rural health care. Mark worked closely with our local providers and state political leaders to ensure their support for our local hospital.

Perhaps most importantly, Mark’s recognition and understanding of the complexities of federal forest management. His efforts in part have furthered the continued federal timber harvests in Grant County.

Now, as we are facing the potential closure of our largest sawmill — it is important to ensure our court is equipped with a leader who has both experience and capacity to help Grant County navigate our declining economy to a more robust and prosperous future.

Mark Webb is no stranger to the many difficulties that face Grant County. His experience, dedication, and genuine leadership make him the clear choice for county judge. Mark Webb is the leader we need, one who values our input and will use critical thinking to make informed decisions. Mark has clearly demonstrated that he is the best choice for Grant County.

I urge everyone to consider voting for Mark Webb for Grant County judge.

Gordon Larson

Canyon City
