Tour de Franzia parades with little interference

Published 5:00 pm Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bikers in costume pedal through Corvallis despite lacking necessary permits

The Tour de Franzia organizers said they would file for all appropriate city permits following a warning received during the previous event in November 2013. They did not follow through for Saturday’s event, according to on-site police.

The costumed bike parade occurs every term in Corvallis. Tourers — Oregon State University students, Corvallis residents and out-of-towners — cycle through Corvallis, stopping at private residences along the way. Mostly, participants view the tour as a way to relax and take a break from life, school and other work. Naturally, as it’s in the name, tourers celebrate with Franzia, the popular boxed wine.

Last fall, when police broke up the group at the Campus Way Covered Bridge, Corvallis police issued the group a notice for clogging city streets, stopping traffic and violating other municipal codes and Oregon Revised Statutes. No one was arrested or issued a citation during the fall tour.

Sgt. Jeff Marr, who was on scene last fall, said he was concerned the group was in violation of minor-in-possession of alcohol, open container of alcoholic beverage and driving while under the influence laws.

Legally, no “procession or parade” (Tour de Franzia is considered to be a parade) can “occupy, march, or proceed along any street” without a police-issued permit.

A parade permit is issued to someone who is “responsible for the formation and orderly procession of the parade,” according to the ordinance.

Sgt. Goodwin of the Corvallis Police Department and his partner were positioned near the event’s first location, a private residence at the corner of Northwest Coolidge Way and 23rd Street. Goodwin said the police department typically receives copies of permits throughout the city and though they received two noise permits for Saturday, both were unrelated to the tour, and there were no parade permits filed.

“Usually we have copies of parade permits and I didn’t see one,” he said.

Still, Saturday’s tour went smoothly, attendees said.

“The crowd’s good,” said Alec Grimmett, a senior in new media communications. “Everybody loves to be here; everybody’s just having a great time, taking a break from all the studies.”

Police said they did not actively interfere with the tour, and chose to keep their distance, because their main concern was for public safety and only wanted to intervene if it got out of hand.

Like last time, the crowd stayed at the covered bridge at the end of Campus Way, past 35th Street, for roughly 30 minutes before police arrived.

The group then left for the Memorial Union, rerouting their paths to avoid police officers. Tourers broke up into smaller sections this time rather than traveling as one large cluster.

On the way to the MU, two female students were stopped at the corner of Campus Way and 35th Street and were ticketed for riding two to a bicycle. The women said that one bike had broken so the two paired up onto the remaining bike, a solution that resulted in a $110 fine.

A female student who requested to remain anonymous said the police presence was not a hindrance to the tour’s success, and no one appeared to be too drunk.

“It’s been awesome,” said the female student. “Even not drinking, it’s amazing. It’s just a great way to get out in Oregon and enjoy the sort-of rainy day, but on a bike with a bunch of people. It’s really fun.”

Kaitlyn Kohlenberg

Campus reporter
