Grant County Seniors: March 22, 2023

Published 6:15 am Sunday, March 19, 2023

PRAIRIE CITY — We celebrated St. Pat’s Day with the traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes and carrots. Then we scooted over to the other serving site and dished up our own green salad, cottage cheese and pears, and a green frosted, green marbled cake. Great food prepared by our great cooks, Pam W. and Pam G.

Meanwhile, the trivia for the day was concerning the actual date of today: the Ides of March. Turns out that May, July and October can also have an Ides. Why? Dunno. Anyway, the most important thing in history that happened on this date was the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. by 100 of his “friends,” led by his best buddy, Brutus. On to better items: Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, was born on this day. Ann Sothern and Joseph Coors died on this day. The first blood bank was established in Chicago in 1937. Under the fur, a tiger’s skin is also striped. And this is National Bubblegum Week. Enjoy! Then there are the March winds. … Did you know that the windiest city in the world is Dodge City, Kansas?! It has been proved that the wind always blows in Dodge City. Sometimes a gentle breeze, sometimes a howling gale, but the wind always blows. And I thought Baker and Pendleton were windy.

The trivia question had nothing to do with anything that you’ve read. So here it is: On this date in what year was “The Godfather” premiered? 1972. I have yet to see it.

Forgot to tell you that last week’s meal was in memory of Chet and Carol Johns.

We have a bell-ringer extraordinaire in the person of volunteer Theresa Ketchum. When she rings, we know that it is time to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance, which was led today by Delores Scott. The free meal was won by Jim Sullens. And Theresa asked the blessing. Our faithful volunteers, Sharon, Gwynne, Carla and Mary, did the deliveries around the town … and country. We certainly appreciate you gals!

Found this in a book: “In the summer of 1949, WOW-TV in Omaha, Nebraska, began broadcasting an engineering test pattern four hours every day. The 1,500 residents who had TV sets invited their friends over to watch the pattern.” The newspaper had advice on how big a picture screen you would need: “7 inches for 2 viewers, 10 inch for 3, 12 for 4, and 16 inch for 7.” Compare that with today’s 60 inches for how many?

Hmmm. It’s snowing … again. The birds have been singing every day that it has been nice. Only one week till spring! Gotta order those Cow Pots. Found this quote someplace too, and wrote it on a piece of paper: 11th Commandment: Never make a value judgment against music you dislike. (1845) Make of that what you will …

Ps. 108:1, 3 I will sing and make music. … l will praise You O LORD among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.

JOHN DAY — So far there are 13 names on the list to play bingo. We just need two more to be ready to play. Get your name on it so we can begin. It has been awhile since we have played, so we hope you have not forgotten how. Ha.

Progress is being made again in our library. A CD section is being added with boxes of CD’s to go in it. Our little library is thriving. Thank you all for adding to our library. Linda is ecstatic about it.

In June the Red Cross is having a blood drive at the LDS Church. Keep this in mind. It doesn’t take a lot of your time to give a little of your blood to those who desperately need it. Keep your eyes open for the donating times.

At our senior center on Monday, March 13, Dave Pasko and Jeanette Julsrud were greeting the 16 in-house diners and making sure their names were on the sign-in sheet as well as in the drawings.

On Saturday night there was music and dancing in Dayville, and I was told that it was fantastic. This will continue on every second Saturday. Sorry I had to miss this one. I won’t be dancing for a while as my toes will be healing.

Jeanette was the announcer, and Emily Jennings led the flag salute. The servers were from the St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, including Dr. Robyn Jennings, Emily Jennings, Jack Jennings, Sophia Jennings, Mary Lou Wampler, Barb Comer and Kathy Radonivich. The meal was meatballs with onions and peppers, rainbow orzo, veggies, a roll and Oreo dessert. Thanks to each server for your service to our center attendees. Thanks to Shay and Darla for the great meal.

Sixty fresh meals and 45 frozen meals were delivered throughout our community by Mike and Pati Davis, Rick LaMountain and Jimmy Maples. Thank you, drivers, for your service of love to others.

Some 121 meals were prepared and sent out of our kitchen today. Wow! Thanks, Shay, Darla, Nancy and Chris. We all know all that goes into these meals and to leave the kitchen looking presentable.

Margie Conlee won the Len’s card, and Dave Pasko won the free meal. Congratulations, you two.

On Thursday, March 16, Darlene Nodine and Dave Pasko were greeting the 17 in-house diners to be sure they were signed in and got their names in the drawings.

Jeanette was the announcer, and Mike Rowe led the flag salute.

The Methodist Church was represented by Sherrie Feiger as our server and we had corned beef, Irish mashed potatoes (Colcannon), carrots, rye bread and Irish apple cake for dessert. Thanks, Shay and Darla, for this great Irish meal. We don’t want to forget Nancy and whoever else helps with cleanup in the kitchen, as Chris does a lot of the time. Thanks, ladies.

There were 56 fresh meals and seven takeout meals, so that brings our total up to 80 meals that came out of our kitchen today. Wow! The drivers for the deliveries were Mike and Pati Davis, Peggy Molnar and Cindy Combs, Shirley, Nancy Wells-Elliot and Ken. Thanks to each of you for your service of love to others.

There is a card on the back table to sign for Carol Roe; she is ill and was in the hospital. I am not sure if she is home or not as I was away getting surgery on my toes. Sign her card and let her know we care about her.

Margie Conlee has a card for Billie. If you would like to sign it, contact Margie to do so.

On March 25 at 1 p.m. there will be a life celebration for Jean Willey at the Methodist Church and a reception following.

Our has a suggestion box that is inviting each person to jot down anything they wish to say about our center. Let us know what you like about it, what you don’t like about it, things you would like to see happen, and things you would like to stop. Let us know you are agreeable or not to anything about our center. After all, this center is yours, so it should be a place you like to spend some time.

The weather has caused a slowing of the progress on our heating and air conditioning system, but it is nearly done now. There are still maintenance issues to deal with, so onward we go.

March 20, after lunch, at 1 p.m. will be a hall board meeting. We encourage all members of the board to be present, and anyone else that desires to learn more about what goes on in the background for our center to keep moving on is encouraged to do so. The main topic of this meeting will be to finalize plans for our annual meeting coming up on April 3.

Let’s not forget Billie Bullard, who cannot come and be with us any longer. She would love to get a card or letter from anyone at our center. She loves phone calls, too. Her number is posted on our desk where we sign in.

Linda Stoltz won the Chester’s card, and Gregg Starr won the free meal.

Tomorrow, March 23, we will dine on turkey and dumplings, zucchini, fruit and pecan pie bars. Yum, sounds great. This meal is sponsored by the Cernazanu team in memory of Tootie Cernazanu.

Monday, March 27, the meal will be roast pork dinner, mashed potatoes and gravy, Brussels sprouts and dinner rolls, with strawberry pretzel dessert.

Proverbs 3:26 The Lord will keep you safe. He will NOT let you fall into a trap.

MONUMENT — Our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell made us a great lunch of Philly cheese sandwiches, curly fries, fresh green salad and fruit tart for our dessert. We were all pretty stuffed with the awesome lunch that they served us. We thank our wonderful chefs!

Our greeter at the table was Bob Cockrell. He checked in all the guests, collected and counted up the money. Bob also led us in the flag salute and made the announcements.

We sang the “Happy Birthday” song to Sharon Falls, who turned 80 years young on March 13. Also, the newest member of our community, Ella Mae Gilbert, was born March 16, weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. We congratulate, again, Sam and Mary Gilbert on their little bundle of joy.

We continue to lift up our friend and community member Bruce Strange in our prayers. He is still in the hospital, and we are praying for the Lord to touch him with His healing hand.

We had some visitors from Spray join us for lunch, and we had our usual crowd. Judy Cavender was the lucky winner of the free meal ticket.

Well, Timmy and Tommy are doing really well. They are about two weeks old now and they are now outside in a little wooden shed. I have them all nicely outfitted with a heat lamp, and they get to run and play after I feed them each time. They are so cute and funny. They are hopping, skipping, and running like crazy.

Timmy is the little runt. He is so adorable and very sweet. Tommy is bigger and he is more active. Tommy has really soft hair and he is mostly white with some dark brown socks. He has one spot around his left eye and eyeliner on both. Timmy is like those Oreo cows! Ha. He is black but white around his middle. He has the cutest face.

Timmy and Tommy’s sister is Isabella. She is very sweet. She is the only one that is with their mama. I kept Chevre locked up for about a week and would go in the pen, give her some grain, and I would quietly milk her. She is actually allowing me to milk her, and I am praising the Lord for that!

I let Chevre out and I thought I was going to have a hard time “catching” her to milk her, but she actually saw me and ran into the goat pen without me having to coax her or anything! I locked the door behind me and milked her. I don’t even need a milking stanchion. Nice!

And, oh, Isabella is so cute and tame. I have been holding her, talking to her, petting her and scratching her ever since she was born, and she likes to be held. I am hoping that she will continue to be tame even when she gets big, and she is not a bottle baby. Still no other babies yet, but soon they will all come at once, I am sure of it! Ha.

Micah 7:7 Therefore I will look unto the LORD, I will wait for the God of my salvation: My God will hear me.
