Out of the Past: May 20, 2020
Published 10:00 am Tuesday, May 19, 2020
- From 50 years ago: Rose Carter was chosen as the queen of the ’62 Days Celebration.
75 years ago
Susanville boy awarded Bronze Star
With the 11th Airborne Division on Luzon — Harold Edwards, son of Mrs. Jessie Lee, Susanville, Oregon, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious achievement with the 11th Airborne Division during the fighting on Luzon, Philippine Islands.
50 years ago
Rose Carter is chosen ‘62 Queen
Rose Carter, who was born to pioneer parents in a log cabin six miles north of Long Creek on July 30, 1888, will reign June 5-6 as queen of ‘62 Days Celebration in Canyon City.
Wife of rancher John L. Carter, Mrs. Carter was selected jointly by the sponsoring Grant County Pioneers Association and the Long Creek citizens who are helping with this year’s program.
Mrs. Carter’s parents were C.W. and Samantha Conger, who came across the Great Plains.
She attended elementary schools in Long Creek and Garberville, California, high school in Pendleton and Portland Business College.
Mrs. Carter taught school for one term at the Carter School in Long Creek, and then taught for another term near Pine Creek.
She and Mr. Carter were married December 18, 1913.
Mrs. Carter has resided in Long Creek for all of her married life — 56 years. The couple have two children, Leonard C. and Lillyan.
One of the highlights of her childhood years was an annual 34-day trip to California by covered wagon pulled by four-horse teams to spend the winter of each year. Her father managed a general store and ranch in Long Creek.
Mrs. Carter has been a member of the Order of Eastern Star for 64 years and is a charter member of Long Creek Lodge No. 90, OES. She was county chairman of Easter Seal sales one year and has been active in community and civic affairs.
The Carters have six grandchildren, Sharon Livingston, Charlotte Sander, Rilla Carter, Leonard John Carter, Jim Blanchett and Tom Wyman, and seven great-grandchildren.