Juniper Arts Council celebrates 25 years

Published 10:03 am Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Juniper Arts Council, established in 1991 to promote the arts, arts education and cultural heritage in Grant County, is celebrating its 25th year.

The all-volunteer Council has sponsored heritage, literature, performing arts and visual arts events and has advocated for local organizations that endeavor to do the same, according to a press release from the organization.

In 2016, the council helped bring a variety cultural events to Grant County: the University Chamber Choir, African Drumming and 45th Parallel Ensemble from Eastern Oregon University; the Inland Northwest Chorale; artist Theresa Weil’s collage portrait exhibit; and the Mia Dyson concert.

The council has focused on bringing arts opportunities to local schools and has sponsored youth-oriented community programs. These have included artists-in-residence, writers-in-residence, children’s theater and music education. The council offers one to two small scholarships each year to Grant County graduating seniors, who are pursuing higher education in an arts-related field.

In 2015, the Council welcomed Rebecca Bogardus and her Youth Arts Program to the Council. YAP currently includes a two-week summer camp, music ensembles and a drama club. This fall, the junior choir, ages 4-10, meets at 5 p.m. Tuesdays in the music room at Humbolt Elementary School. An adult choir, ages 11 and up, meets at 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays. A fall concert is scheduled for Nov. 18. For more information, contact Bogardus at 541-987-2440.

Also in 2015 the Council welcomed two youth members. The students are now seniors, so the council is looking for replacements. Interested students should contact Kris Beal at 541-932-4892.

The council is also the Grant County fiscal agent for the Oregon Cultural Trust. Each year, the council receives grant money from the trust to distribute. This year, the council will distribute approximately $6,000 to Grant County organizations. Grant applications will be available in November with distribution in January.

In fiscal year 2016, the council distributed $6,674 to nine Grant County organizations, including Dayville School for a mural artist-in-residence; Fox Valley Community Church to repair and paint the exterior of the church; Grant Union Jr./Sr. High School Art Department for a mixed media artist-in-residence; Grant Union Jr./Sr. High School Drama Club for the purchase of microphones and lighting for the old gym stage; Youth Arts Program for Summer at the YAP; and Strawberry Valley Historical Association for a visitor information center in Prairie City.

Currently, the Council has $576 from the Gray Family Foundation to distribute. The Gray Family Foundation is committed to increasing outdoor education and other age-appropriate environmental learning experiences. Contact Beal for additional information on applying for this grant money.

In 2016, the council began its newest program, an instrument program. Instruments may be donated to the council, which is a nonprofit organization. The council will loan instruments to students with the understanding that the instruments are to be returned to the council once the students no longer need them. Contact Karin Barntish at 541-575-2721 to make arrangements to drop off an instrument and receive a tax-deduction form.

The council is currently sponsoring a logo design contest open to Grant County students in grades 7-12. The council is working with the BMW Riders of Oregon to choose a logo design for its 2017 Chief Joseph Rally patch. Information has been sent to area schools, and the contest information can also be found on the council’s Facebook page.

The council meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Thursday of each month in the community room of the John Day Fire Hall.
