
Off the Beaten Path: A winter solstice walkabout

The calendar told the tale — the winter solstice, the first day of winter. A cause for celebration. ...


Farmer’s Fate: Christmas in Killarney

The holly green, the ivy green, The prettiest picture you’ve ever seen
 Is Christmas in Killarney, With all ...

Letters To Editor

Letter: We can all do our part to make America safe

Small town living is great! Growing up in a population of 200, I enjoyed much freedom to go ...


Farmer’s Fate: The five seasons

What do old leaf springs, new tires, a box of potatoes and 900 pounds of ice have in ...


Capital Chatter: In Oregon Senate, new faces from different places

Eastern and Central Oregon are losing much of their influence in the state Senate. Among the senators exiting ...


Our View: Cost of rural internet too high

In the 21st century, there are several ways to get the internet from here to there. Satellites, cell ...


Other views: Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Editor’s note: The following editorial, written by Francis P. Church, first appeared in the New York Sun in ...


Homeplace: Cancer no match for community care

The photo shows two boys grinning into the camera and displaying the rotund robots they’ve just assembled at ...


Our View: Legislature needs to ease the PERS burden

School districts, cities, counties and other public employers in Oregon have tried to ease the financial burden of ...


Off the Beaten Path: Gifts of the heart

Amazingly enough, the gift-giving started with high school boys, a group of juniors known as goof-offs. Our school ...

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