Latest Opinion Archives - bluemountaineagle


Letter: Wrong way to enact a “noble ideal”

I respect Cliff Heck’s right to write his letter to the editor on President Donald Trump and his ...


Letter: Trump is the right one for the job

Upon learning that no letter to the editor supporting the current president has been received by the East ...


Farmer’s Fate: Houston … we have a problem

I admire people who are able to write on their calendar with ink. It’s a pencil and lots ...


Off the Beaten Path: Of peppers, peaches and pole beans

A perfect day. Sleet coating power lines, windows and roads. A howling wind dropping tree branches. Public service ...

Letters To Editor

Letter: Time is now to reform U.S. education

As a member of Generation Z and as a college student, I would like to shed some light ...


Our View: A fork in the road for democracy

In his bid for a second term in the White House, Donald Trump campaigned in part on a ...


Farmer’s Fate: Inside Ellis Island and Lady Liberty’s dress

“If only these walls could talk … imagine the stories they’d tell,” we mused aloud as we walked ...


Off the Beaten Path: A legacy of libraries

“Raise your right hand,” said the official. I raised my hand. “Now repeat after me. I solemnly declare ...


Farmer’s Fate: Time balls and New Year’s

Sitting on our living room floor, dressed in pajamas, feeding bummer lambs and watching the countdown to the ...


Off the Beaten Path: Scared speechless, and other nightmares

“I was scared speechless,” said a friend recounting a harrowing experience. No one could be that scared, I ...

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